Award-Winning Back-Office Software for Transformation Directors

Discover how OPX can facilitate and improve business-wide change management.

With significant responsibilities in leading major change initiatives across organisations, Transformation Directors need to achieve a complex balance of aligning teams to future company vision alongside developing operational plans to achieve long-term objectives.

Drive business-wide transformational change without negatively impacting service levels using OPX. Change workflows and business rules in minutes, track benefits, and change back if not delivering the expected impacts. 

A Rapid Deployment and Low Code Solution

Make data-driven decisions and manage your teams more efficiently with OPX.

Our rapid deployment low-code Operational Insight solution allows you to set up bespoke dashboards to monitor live data and performance across departments, so you can regularly make strategic changes and adapt strategies to fit innovative agile working environments. 

Make data-driven decisions to meet stakeholder targets and expectations. With OPX, you can analyse service levels and end-to-end service times at a granular level to increase quality, accurately project demand, remove bottlenecks from the customer journey, and improve productivity across a blended office team.

Why Teams Love OPX

How OPX Helps Transformation Leaders

Leverage technology for better cost management.

Manage increasingly complex service portfolios.

Promote a culture of operational change

Use AI to drive digital transformation.

Facilitate change initiatives to move towards a targeted operating model.

Improve cross-departmental reporting to increase efficiencies.

Gain total operational visibility to remedy process bottlenecks.

Use OPX Scriptflow as an SME multiplier freeing up or adding capacity of rare resources.

Make data-driven decisions and manage teams more efficiently.

With OPX: Streamline Operations. Embrace Automation. Increase Capacity.

Digital Transformation

OPX has a variety of AI-powered modules that can transform digital experiences across organisations. Use our trailblazing software to set up live chat technology, automatically generate tailored customer correspondence, appropriately classify inbound and outbound emails, and send acknowledgements of service delivery to improve customer experience and reduce complaint volumes.

Transform Operational Models

Gain a deep understanding of how organisation operating models are being adhered to. Set up user-friendly dashboards to identify – amongst other trends – high-cost activities, poor journey processes, and candidate activities for RPA and services with the lowest SLA achievements. Evaluate real-time and historic data against projections and make changes instantly to improve business performance.

Cost-Management Strategies

Run real-time reports to identify your most expensive business activities, including activity volumes, to make cost-saving improvements across departments. Identify underperforming teams, managers, and individuals to reduce failures in facilitating service demand to increase productivity and revenue.

With OPX:

Streamline Operations. Embrace Automation. Increase Capacity.

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Uncover Latent Capacity

Alongside automating repetitive actions and communications to free up resources, OPX can analyse individual employee performance to the most granular level, so you can identify productivity gaps and effectively utilise all resources to their full capacity.

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Automate Task Allocation

Keep tasks running on time. Our trailblazing AI software optimises workloads in real time, ranking cases by priority to ensure they are handled appropriately. Planning managers can fine-tune this intelligent data-driven allocation to suit the needs of the business with the touch of a button.

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Real-Time Need Forecasting

OPX provides real-time operational insight on demand variations alongside supply estimations across your resources, which can be compared to historical data to accurately project future demand. Make continual capacity planning adjustments – without needing to wait days for MI.

Ready to supercharge your workforce?

Once our experts understand your business and workforce needs, we can have OPX up and running in as little as six weeks.

Discover how efficient your workforce could become.

Use our bespoke ROI Calculator to find out the difference OPX could make in your organisation today.