OPX for HR Leaders

Optimise workforce productivity with OPX award-winning back-office software.

Create a productive workforce that ’works’ for your business.

Traditional HR data can be time-consuming to gather, and complex to maintain efficiently – especially in continuously evolving organisations.

Spend less time on HR administration and more time maximising employee experience and performance with OPX. 

OPX is a low-code workforce solution that enables you to generate management reports and optimise resource allocation at the touch of a button.

Get Clarity On Your Internal Teams

Operational insight solution to monitor the granular performance of every employee.

Handle challenging team members objectively. Use our centralised Operational Insight solution to monitor the granular performance of every employee, including their productivity, sanctioned and unsanctioned application/web domain use, idle time, and work time, so any required actions are legally defensible and based on real data insights. 

Identify training opportunities to retain and source new talent. With OPX, you can develop bespoke processes to redeploy internal talent across departments based on verified skill sets. Automatically track skills and competencies and keep up-to-date with actual work delivered, regardless of where team members are based.

Why Teams Love OPX

How OPX Helps HR Leaders

Manage employee performance data.

Provide hybrid working reporting.

Identify upcoming skills capacity gaps.

Gain clarity on skills, competencies, and role responsibilities.

MI to support training and development requirements.

Establish best practice benchmarks to improve performance.

With OPX: Streamline Operations. Embrace Automation. Increase Capacity.

Effective Talent Sourcing and Retention

Using OPX, you can evaluate skills across departments at a very granular level, to see which competencies are needed in which volume to get the best mix for a team, process, or activity. Employees who aren’t mixing casework to keep their skills active are automatically reported to team leaders, to help best utilise existing capacity and boost productivity.

Full Workforce Planning

Balance daily resource requirements with future capacity planning. With OPX, you can access accurate data points – both real-time and historical – from multiple systems to effectively analyse and forecast future needs, so you always have the right size of team to match demand.

Real-Time Productivity Management

Employee performance can be monitored by team leaders or managers using live reports, so productivity loss or gain and use of break periods can be accessed in real-time. Analyse overall and individual workforce productivity regardless of location, including for remote or hybrid shift workers.

With OPX:

Streamline Operations. Embrace Automation. Increase Capacity.

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Uncover Latent Capacity

Alongside automating repetitive actions and communications to free up resources, OPX can analyse individual employee performance to the most granular level, so you can identify productivity gaps and effectively utilise all resources to their full capacity.

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Automate Task Allocation

Keep tasks running on time. Our trailblazing AI software optimises workloads in real time, ranking cases by priority to ensure they are handled appropriately. Planning managers can fine-tune this intelligent data-driven allocation to suit the needs of the business with the touch of a button.

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Real-Time Need Forecasting

OPX provides real-time operational insight on demand variations alongside supply estimations across your resources, which can be compared to historical data to accurately project future demand. Make continual capacity planning adjustments – without needing to wait days for MI.

Ready to supercharge your workforce?

Once our experts understand your business and workforce needs, we can have OPX up and running in as little as six weeks.

Discover how efficient your workforce could become.

Use our bespoke ROI Calculator to find out the difference OPX could make in your organisation today.